Our web applications

SoftWheels offers several web applications. These applications can be used in parallel with or independently of the SoftWheels software.

Who are these applications aimed at?

All our web applications are designed for anyone working in the tyre industry.
Existing user
Do you already use SoftWheels software and want an online diary for your customers? Nothing could be easier with our scheduler application
access the scheduler
Do you run a Tyrehotel? Nothing could be simpler with our tyrehotel application combined with the scheduler application.
access the tyrehotel
Small garage
Are you a small garage? Use our SoftWheels Light to get started.
access the softwheels light
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main menu of the SoftWheels Light

SoftWheels Light

The Softwheels Light application lets you compare the availability and prices of your suppliers via a simple web page

Wide choice


a photo of a tyrehotel


The tyre storage application lets you easily manage the storage of your customers' tyres


Tablet Scanner

main page of the scheduler application


The scheduler application makes it easy for your customers to make appointments, for example, for a permutation



an example of a webshop we designed

Web Shop

SoftWheels helps you sell your tyres more effectively

Wide Choice
